Archive for the ‘Tips & Tricks’ category

Fix: BitLocker activates automatically on fresh installation of Windows 11

June 6th, 2024 by Admin

Nowadays, more and more computers come with Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which is a tiny chip required for turning on BitLocker disk encryption. No matter if you prefer to enable BitLocker or not, Windows 11 may automatically activate it during the fresh installation. In this tutorial we’ll show you 2 methods to prevent Windows 11 from automatically activating BitLocker during a clean install.

Method 1: Prevent BitLocker Automatic Activation During Installation

If you just got a brand new Windows 11 PC or you’re performing a clean install, it’s easy to prevent BitLocker automatic activation before the out-of-box experience (OOBE).

  1. On the first page of the out-of-the-box experience (OOBE), Windows 11 setup will ask you to choose a language. Just press the SHIFT + F10 keyboard shortcut to launch Command Prompt.

  2. Type regedit and press Enter.

  3. Use the left pane of Registry Editor to navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\BitLocker. In the right pane, right-click the blank area and choose New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.

  4. Name the newly-created DWORD PreventDeviceEncryption, and then double-click it and set its value data to 1. Click OK.

  5. Close Registry Editor and then quit Command Prompt, proceed to select your language, keyboard layout and go through the setup process. BitLocker device encryption will not start automatically.

Method 2: Prevent BitLocker Automatic Activation Before Installation

If you plan to do a clean install of Windows 11, you can create a Windows 11 installation USB which contains a predefined setting (unattend.xml) to explicitly disable BitLocker automatic device encryption. Follow these steps:

  1. Before getting started, download the free USB bootable creator utility Rufus. When Rufus is opened, select your USB device and choose your Windows 11 installation ISO image, and then click START.

  2. When the the Windows User Experience window opens, check the “Disable BitLocker automatic device encryption” option and click OK. The program will format your USB drive and prepare the files.

  3. When done, you can use the USB drive to perform a clean install of Windows 11 without automatically activating BitLocker device encryption.

That’s it!

2 Methods to Adjust Screen Refresh Rate in Windows 11

May 25th, 2024 by Admin

Is there a way to adjust monitor refresh rate to minimize flicker? The refresh rate of a monitor is the number of times per second that the image refreshes on the screen. A higher refresh rate can improve your gaming experience by reducing motion blur and screen tearing, while lowering your refresh rate can save battery power. In this tutorial we’ll show you 2 methods to adjust screen refresh rate in Windows 11.

Method 1. Adjust Screen Refresh Rate via Settings App

  1. Right-click the empty space on your desktop and choose “Display settings” from the popup menu. It will launch the Settings app and open to the page: System -> Display.

  2. Click the “Advanced display” option under the “Related settings” section.

  3. Under Display information, click the “Choose a refresh rate” drop-down menu and select the refresh rate you want. When multiple monitors are connected to your PC, you need to click the drop-down menu at the top to choose the monitor which you want to change the refresh rate for.

Method 2. Adjust Screen Refresh Rate via Windows Terminal

  1. Right-click the Windows button in the taskbar and then click “Terminal (Admin)” to open a Command Prompt or PowerShell console.

  2. Copy and paste the following command and press Enter to bring up the Display Properties dialog.
    rundll32.exe display.dll, ShowAdapterSettings

  3. Go to the Monitor tab and you can click the “Screen refresh rate” drop-down list to select your desired refresh rate setting.

  4. Click Apply and then OK to save your change.

That’s it!

3 Easy Ways to Rename Your Printer in Windows 11

April 29th, 2024 by Admin

How can I change the name of the printer that has already been setup? The first time you add a new printer, Windows assigns a default name based on its manufacture name, series and model number. If you want to give your printer a more meaningful name, you can change it with ease. In this tutorial we’ll show you 3 easy ways to rename your printer in Windows 11.

Method 1: Rename Printer Using Settings App

  1. Press the Windows logo key + I to access the Settings app. Choose Bluetooth & devices from the left sidebar, and then click Printers & scanners on the right.

  2. Select the printer you would like to rename.

  3. Click the Printer properties option.

  4. By default, the printer’s name can’t be edited or changed. You need to click the “Change Properties” button at the bottom.

  5. Now you can change the printer’s name to anything you like. Click OK to save your change.

Method 2: Rename Printer Using Print Management

  1. Press the Windows logo key + R to access the Run box, type printmanagement.msc and hit Enter to bring up the Print Management utility.

  2. Expand to Custom Filters -> All Printers, you’ll see a list of printers available on your PC, including virtual printers.

  3. Right-click the printer whose name you want to change, and then choose “Rename” from the pop-up menu.

  4. Now the printer’s name should be editable. You can type a new name and press Enter to save it.

Method 3: Rename Printer Using Windows Terminal

  1. Right-click the Windows button on the taskbar, and then choose “Terminal (Admin)“.

  2. When it opens a PowerShell window, type Get-Printer | Format-Table Name and press Enter to view the names of all your available printers.
  3. To change the name of one of your printers, run the following command. Replace Current_Printer_Name and and New_Printer_Name with the actual names that you want to use.

    Rename-Printer -Name "Current_Printer_Name" -NewName "New_Printer_Name"

  4. Your printer will be renamed immediately.

That’s it!

How to Show Weather on the Lock Screen in Windows 11

April 9th, 2024 by Admin

Can I configure Windows 11 to show weather forecasts on the Lock Screen? No matter which personalization option you select (Windows spotlight, Picture or Slideshow) for the Lock screen, only the “Calendar” and “Mail” options are available in the “Lock screen status” setting. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add the Weather option so you can then check the live weather information from the Lock Screen in Windows 11.

How to Show Weather on the Lock Screen in Windows 11

  1. Open the Microsoft Store app. Search for the “MSN Weather” app and then install it on your local computer.

  2. Press the Windows key + I together to access the Settings app. Click Personalization in the left navigation pane, and then click Lock screen in the right side.

  3. In order to get live weather updates on the Lock screen, choose the Weather option from the “Lock screen status” setting.

    The “Mail” option allows you to see the email notifications on the Lock Screen, while the “Calendar” option shows the calendar time and date. If you want to prevent any apps from showing detailed status on the Lock Screen, just change it to “None“.

That’s it!

How to Enable Super Drag and Drop for Microsoft Edge in Windows 11

March 29th, 2024 by Admin

Most web browsers allow you to drag a link or text on a web page, then drop it on the address bar or title bar to open the link or search page in a new tab.

To improve your productivity, Microsoft Edge comes with a new feature called “Super Drag Drop”, which lets you drag or drop the link or text anywhere on the same page to open it a new tab. In this tutorial we’ll walk you through the steps to enable Super Drag Drop for Microsoft Edge in Windows 11.

How to Enable Super Drag and Drop for Microsoft Edge in Windows 11

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge. Type edge://flags in the URL address bar and press Enter. Next, search for the “Microsoft Edge Super Drag Drop” flag, change its setting from “Default” to “Enabled“.

  2. When prompted, restart Microsoft Edge to apply your changes.

  3. When you’re back to Microsoft Edge, type edge://settings/appearance in the URL address bar and press Enter. Scroll down to the “Customize browser” section, turn on “Enable Super Drag and Drop” and then click the “Configure Super Drag and Drop” option underneath.

  4. Click the “Open mode” drop-down list and you can change whether the link or search page should open in a new tab in the background or foreground.

  5. Now you can start enjoying the “Super Drag Drop” feature.

    Whenever you need to disable this feature, just follow the Step 1 above to set the “Microsoft Edge Super Drag Drop” flag to “Default“.

That’s it!

2 Ways to Remove Gallery from Windows 11 File Explorer

March 11th, 2024 by Admin

How do I remove the Gallery shortcut from File Explorer’s side panel? If you click the Gallery shortcut, it allows you to access your photo collection, including all pictures which you can see in the Photos app. However, if you find that the Gallery folder is of no use, here are 2 ways to remove it from File Explorer navigation bar in Windows 11.

Method 1: Remove Gallery from Windows 11 File Explorer for Current User

  1. Open Registry Editor and go to the location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID. Right-click the CLSID key and select New -> Key.

  2. Name the new key as {e88865ea-0e1c-4e20-9aa6-edcd0212c87c}, and then right-click it to choose New -> (32-bit) DWORD Value.

  3. Name the DWORD as System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree and set its value data to 0.

  4. Close Registry Editor and relaunch File Explorer, you’ll find the Gallery button will no longer show up in the navigation pane of File Explorer. Whenever you want to restore the Gallery button, just set the value data of System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree to 1.

Method 2: Remove Gallery from Windows 11 File Explorer for All User

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace_41040327\{e88865ea-0e1c-4e20-9aa6-edcd0212c87c}. Right-click the {e88865ea-0e1c-4e20-9aa6-edcd0212c87c} key and choose Delete.

  2. When asked for confirmation, click Yes.

  3. Close Registry Editor. Reopen the File Explorer and the Gallery item should be missing from the File Explorer left panel. If you want to add Gallery back to File Explorer, you need to recreate the key {e88865ea-0e1c-4e20-9aa6-edcd0212c87c} which you’ve deleted in the step 1 above.

That’s it!

Fix: Downloads are Blocked from Running in Windows 11

March 4th, 2024 by Admin

Whenever I download an app off the Internet, double-click it to run but nothing happens.

Eventually I found out that Windows 11 blocks the downloads from running if they’re not digitally signed. If you right-click the downloaded program in File Explorer and select Properties from the context menu, you’ll see the security warning “This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer.

To allow that file to run, you need to check the “Unblock” box and click OK. You can repeat this procedure to manually unblock each program you’ve downloaded. To permanently fix the problems of blocking your downloads, simply follow this tutorial to configure Windows 11 not to mark your downloaded files with zone information.

How to Fix: Downloads are Blocked from Running in Windows 11

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor and browse to: User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Attachment Manager. On the right pane, double-click the policy called “Do not preserve zone information in file attachments“.

  2. Choose the Enabled option. Click Apply and then OK.

  3. Close the Local Group Policy Editor. Now Windows 11 will no longer block your downloaded files from running. If the Local Group Policy Editor is not available on your PC, you can open Registry Editor and go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies, create a subkey Attachments and select it. On the right pane, create a 32-bit DWORD SaveZoneInformation and set the value data to 1.

No matter you use the group policy or Registry Editor to unlock your downloads in Windows 11, the changes will take effect immediately. No need to reboot or log off your computer.

Forgot PDF Permissions Password but I Know User Password?

February 23rd, 2024 by Admin

My PDF document is protected by a user password which I know, but I forgot the permissions password? How can I retrieve the PDF security permissions password? Adobe Acrobat may demand a permissions password when you try to edit, add or remove a PDF page. If you’ve tried every password to no avail, you can take use of the PDF Password Recovery software. This step-by-step tutorial can help walk you through the process of how to remove a forgotten PDF permissions password when you can still remember the document open password.

Forgot PDF Permissions Password but I Know User Password?

  1. To get started, download the PDF Password Recovery application. Follow the simple instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation.
  2. After starting the program, click the button to choose your password protected PDF document, and then select the “Remove Owner Password” option. Click Next.

  3. You will be prompted for a user password (also known as document open password) when it detects your PDF document has both an open password and a modify password. Type the password and click OK.

  4. A decrypted copy of your document will be created in a short time. Click the “Go to folder” button and you can quickly navigate to the location where the decrypted document is saved.

  5. If you open the decrypted copy, it will no longer prompt you for the document open password. When you try to edit or add a page, no permissions password is required as well.

That’s it!

Tutorial: How to Search for Large Files in Windows 11

February 6th, 2024 by Admin

How to search for files based on size in File Explorer? A good way to free up storage space is to find large files on your system, then delete or move them elsewhere. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to search for large files in Windows 11, without using third-party software.

How to Search for Large Files in Windows 11

Open File Explorer. Type * in the search box in the top right corner.

Then “Search options” button will appear in the toolbox, and you can click it to select the size of the files you’d like to find, ranging from Empty to Gigantic.

If the above search criteria don’t meet your needs, you can manually specify the minimum size of large files to filter. For example, when you’re looking for files larges than 1GB (about 1000 Mb), simply type size:>1000mb in the search box.

Once the large files are found, you need to determine if they can be deleted or moved to external hard drive. Deleting the system pagefile or hibernate file straightforward may cause system failure, but you can shrink their file size with the following proper methods:

That’s it!