Posts Tagged ‘forgot windows 7 password’

Forgot Windows 7 Password for Your Laptop?

July 16th, 2012 by Admin

I have an old laptop that’s not been used for quite a while, problem is that I forgot Windows 7 password on my laptop, I’ve tried many different passwords that it could possibly be without any luck. I have some important documents and pictures on there that I really don’t want to lose with a brand new windows install. Is there any way to recover or reset the password?

Forgot your laptop password or someone has changed Windows 7 password on your laptop? How to reset laptop password without erasing any important files stored on your computer? In this article I’ll show you how to reset your forgotten Windows 7 password for your laptop so you can log on and regain access to your important data on your laptop.

How to Reset Windows 7 Password for Your Laptop:

  1. Before the work, prepare a blank CD/DVD. Then install and run Password Recovery Bundle on another accessible computer. Click Windows Password button to bring up the CD recording dialog, then burn the default ISO image onto your CD. The CD is the password reset disk we’ll later use to reset Windows 7 password.
  2. Insert the password reset disk into your locked laptop. Set the laptop to boot from the CD.
  3. Restart the computer, it will start to boot from the CD. After a while, your computer will launch the Reset Windows Password program. The software automatically detects the Windows SAM registry hive and show a list of user accounts existing in your Windows 7 system.

  4. Choose the user account whose password you already forgot, then click Reset Password button to reset your forgotten laptop password.
  5. Remove the CD and restart your computer.

Now you’ve done the procedure of resetting Windows 7 password on your laptop. You can get into your laptop without be asking for a password. If your laptop doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can create a password reset disk on a USB drive to reset your laptop password.

How to Reset Windows 7 Password on A Netbook

June 28th, 2012 by Admin

Got a heck of a deal on a netbook the other day as someone forgot the admin password on Windows 7. I didn’t really thing about it till I went to change it and it dawned on me the thing don’t have a CD-ROM! I’ve used the NT offline password and registry editor before on a few different computers but I don’t see a way to use it on something that only has USB ports. Any ideas on how to make it work? Anyone know of a bootable USB flash drive with such software on it?

Forgot Windows login password and you are unable to log onto your netbook? You may have read through many password cracking tricks to no avail. As netbook doesn’t have CD-ROM, we can’t reset Windows 7 password with a CD or DVD. To unlock Windows password and regain access to your netbook, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive, then get your netbook to boot off it and reset Windows 7 password.

 Part 1: Create a Windows 7 Password Reset USB

You’ll need to create a Windows 7 password reset USB using another PC. If you don’t have another PC, you’ll have to bug one of your friends to use theirs. Download the ISO image of Reset Windows Password utility, then burn it to a USB flash drive with ISO2Disc.

 Part 2: Boot Netbook from USB Flash Drive

Plug your newly created USB flash drive into your netbook and power it up. In order to go into the BIOS settings, hit F2 as it is starting. Once you are in the BIOS settings, navigate to the Boot tab and move ‘USB-HDD’ to the top of boot priority order list. Hit F10 to save your settings.

Part 3: Reset Windows 7 Password

After booting your netbook from the USB flash drive, the bootdisk will launch the Reset Windows Password utility. On the main screen, you can see the Windows SAM registry file and a list of Windows user accounts.

Choose your desired user account, then click Reset Password button. The program will reset your forgotten Windows 7 password and unlock the account if it is already locked out.

Reboot your netbook and remove the USB drive. Now you can log in to your computer with an empty password. A password reset USB could really come in handy if you ever forget your account password. With it, you can easily reset Windows 7 password and get right in to your PC.

Forgot Administrator Password on Windows 7?

June 24th, 2012 by Admin

Need a way around password on administrator account in windows 7 new machine and during setup password was
entered accidentally and don’t know it. Data from old machine is transfered so I do not want to do a complete reinstall of operating system or i will loose data HELP!!!!!!!!!!

There are times we forgot the administrator password on Windows 7.  If the administrator account is the only user with administrative privileges on your computer,  you then can’t install any new software or even can’t log on your computer anymore.  So it’s important to find out a password recovery tool to recover or reset the password in order to regain access to the locked computer.

In this article we’ll explain a simple way to help you reset forgotten administrator password on Windows 7, no matter what reason you forgot the password. Reset Windows Password is the software we need to use to unlock Windows 7 password.  Let’s see the detailed steps:

How to Reset Forgotten Administrator Password on Windows 7:

  1. Download the zip archive of Reset Windows Password utility. Unzip it and burn the ISO image to a blank CD or USB stick.
  2. Insert the CD or USB stick into your locked computer and let your computer boot from it.
  3. After a while the bootdisk will launch the Reset Windows Password utility, which shows all Windows user accounts available for your Windows installation. By default the Reset Local Admin/User Password option will be selected, the program will display a list of Windows local user accounts. If you want to reset domain administrator password, please choose the Reset Active Directory Password option.Here we’re going to reset forgotten Windows 7 password, so we choose the first option.
  4. Choose the administrator account, then click Reset Password button. The program will quickly reset your forgotten administrator password as well as unlock the user account if it is disabled or locked out.

Now remove the CD or USB stick and restart Windows 7 system. You can then immediately log in to the administrator account without being asked for a password.  No need to worry about data loss if you forgot Windows 7 password next time.

Reset Windows 7 Password with Windows Installation CD

May 29th, 2012 by Admin

Forgot Windows 7 password and can’t log on your computer? I’m going to show you a really easy way to reset Windows 7 password, without having to buy or download any third-party software.

Note:  This trick is only intended for experienced users who forgot Windows password.  For average computer users, please use the professional software – Reset Windows Password – to reset lost or forgotten Windows 7 password.

Step 1
In order to do this, you must have a Windows installation CD or DVD. Any Windows 7, Vista or XP CD or DVD will work.

First you have to boot from the installation CD. Most PC’s are already set up to use the CD/DVD drive as the first boot device, which means you only have to insert the CD/DVD and restart the PC. Before Windows begins to load, you will see a message that says “press any key to boot from CD”, just press any key. However, if your PC is not set up to boot from the CD/DVD first, you will have to set it as your first boot device in the BIOS setup. If you don’t know how, it’s really easy. Soon as you turn your PC on, you can enter the BIOS setup by pressing the DEL key. Although you would normally use the DEL key, the key you have to press varies from PC to PC, but it will either be the DEL, F1, F2, ESC, or F10 key.

You have to be quite quick while doing this. The most sure-fire way of doing it correctly would be to turn your PC on and keep pressing the button until you get the BIOS screen.

Once you’re at the BIOS screen, navigate through the menus looking for something like “1st boot device, 2nd boot device”, or anything related to boot order. It is different with each PC, but it’s really strait forward. You should set the first boot device as the CD/DVD drive, and the second as your HDD (Hard Disk Drive). It wont matter what the third or fourth are.

Step 2
How that you’ve booted from the CD, you will have to option to install or repair Windows, click repair your computer. You will see various option as shown in the image bellow, click Command Prompt.

Step 3
Now that you’re in the command prompt, we are going to use a couple of commands that will allow you to reset Windows 7 Password.

First type copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
Next type copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
Now reboot the PC (remember to take the installation disk out)

Step 4
So you’ve restarted your PC and you’re at the login screen. Press the Shift key 5 times to bring up the command line interface. Now type net user your_name your_new_password.

For example, if the name of the account you want to reset the password for is called Duncan05 and the password you want to change to is Pass1234, you would type net user Duncan05 Pass1234.

That’s it, you can now login!

Note: The command we used earlier copied over the sethc.exe, replacing it with cmd.exe, which is why we were able to access the command line at the login screen. However, the first command we used backed up the sethc.exe the hard-disk. To restore it in Windows, go the Start Menu and type cmd in the search box. Then in the results, right-click “cmd” and then choose “run as administrator”.

You can the use the command c:\sethc.exe file back to c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe to restore the original sethc.exe file.

Sethc.exe is used to invoke accessibility options through the Shift key. However, you will not have any issues if you decide not to restore the original file.

This trick is very useful when you forgot Windows 7 password.